A Small Request To The Conscious and Valuable Viewer Of Page

People Against Smoking, founded in 2010, is the nation's growing largest antismoking organization, and the only one which conscious about legal and other actions to fight smoking and to protect the rights of nonsmokers.

PAS's actions will help to prohibit cigarette commercials; ban smoking on planes, buses, and many public places; lower insurance premiums for nonsmokers and continues to nonsmokers' rights.

PAS is entirely supported by tax-deductible contributions from people like you concerned about smoking and protecting the rights of nonsmokers. Please consider to visit us in is entirely supported by tax-deductible contributions from people like you concerned about smoking and protecting the rights of nonsmokers.

Please consider to visit us in facebook and follow us on twitter to help PAS to continue protecting your rights and saving lives.

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Smoking Also Kills The Enviornment; California Launches A New Strategy

Smoking is a killer. We all know this. However, as we face a decaying environmental landscape, discarded cigarette butts have become the focus of a new ad campaign announced this week by the California Health and Human Services Agency (CHHS). Thirty years ago, California began the fight to squelch tobacco use in their state, but today the newly launched ads include a focus attention on smoking's ... for more info you may visit http://www.facebook.com/pages/People-Against-Smoking/174447052575916?ref=sgm
